Youth Myth Busters #1 Press Release
To know more about the project, its background and activities download and disseminate our first Press Release. Press Release (PDF File – 460 Kb)
Despite the well-known benefits of physical activity, it remains underutilized, especially among women. Physical activity programs in the community, however, attract a large female population, suggesting that they can overcome barriers to physical activity encountered by women.
However, the adherence to physical activity programs with women in the peak of their active life (work, household chores, care of family), is very difficult to be obtained and maintained.
The project wants to:
To know more about the project, its background and activities download and disseminate our first Press Release. Press Release (PDF File – 460 Kb)
Do you want to acquire the appropriate skills to eliminate fake news, propaganda and manipulation online? Are you a blogger, journalist or media student? Do
Associazione ISES
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission (G.A. 622171-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-SPO-SCP – ERASMUS+ SPORT). This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.